Thursday, November 03, 2005

Birthday Portrait

Grandma captured during a quiet moment. A long life paints itself on a person, doesn't it?

Food is a Fond Reminder

The smell and taste of things are some of the strongest memories we carry with us throughout our lives.

It's obvious here that these traditional Tlinget foods, served at an honorary "appetizer luncheon" at the Pioneer's Home, was truly appreciated by those who participated.

Life's a Song

Grandma and Ted listen as Sitka Tribal Association performers Ethel Makinen and Roby Littlefield sing Grandma a Tlinget song.

Elders are generally revered in Tlinget society, and Grandma had quite a lot of fun both with the songs, and an "appetizer" feast of native food - herring eggs, dried salmon, etc. which was presented in her honor before lunch.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

At the Beach

A Closeup of Grandma Jennie at the beach, this picture is from the 60's I'm pretty sure. This looks like it was at the Halibut Point Recreation Area.

Grandma and Grampa at the Beach

Grandma and Grandpa at the beach with Larry, Ted and another child from the neighborhood. Probably Ivor Malline, who lived with them for a year or two when we were very small.

Sitka Cafe

This picture shows grandma and another waitress at the Sitka Cafe. We think this picture may be from the 1940's, but we don't have a specific date, and it may even be from the 30's.

Grandma spent a lot of years working as either a waitress in restaurants or as a cook in logging camps throughout S.E. Alaska.

Grandma Larry and Ted

Not sure what the date of this picture is, but it doesn't look like our house in Sitka, so it could be in California or somewhere else.

Grandma at 5

Writing on the back of this photo says it is of Grandma at age 5, and that the fur coat she is wearing was made by her Mother out of Lynx fur.

During a visit from Andy and Brandon, Grandma mentioned that the hat she is wearing in this picture is made of wolverine fur, and was also hand made by her mother.
On Sunday, the 23rd, Grandma's birthday was celebrated at the Presbyterian Church, where she was an Elder, for many, many years. Ted and I were both baptized there a loooong time ago. Here grandma prepares to blow out the candles on her cake at that party. In the picure are Me(with my head cut off), Ted, Jullee and Ted's Son Ted Jr. ( taller than Ted now, so we can't call him "teddy")
Can you tell that Grandma's favorite color is pink??

Brother Ted Cuts It

Here's Ted cutting birthday cake for the guests, with my wife Jullee and Dr. Bob in the background.